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Carl Sagan Quote

“Each person’s destiny is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice. It’s determined by what we say, what we do, and whom we trust.” – Truett Cathy (Founder of Chick fil A)

It is amazing to me how much we try to complicate life when the truth is that it is really pretty simple once you remove the distractions. Every one of us must ask this simple question every morning, “Is what I am doing today contributing to my success or to my downfall?” Am I doing those things that will lead to a better life or am I doing things that will harm me? Regardless of our station in life we have two choices we can either be a part of making things better or part of making them worse.

What are you speaking into your own life or into the life of children? Words become thoughts and thoughts become actions. If you are speaking defeat and failure into your own life and the lives of your children then what would expect to happen? Are you seeking ways to improve your education, your job skills, or just your personal life? Are you making the investment to improve yourself? The greatest investment any of us can make is in ourselves. I tell my men all the time you might never get to be a CEO of some company, but you are the CEO of your life. What are you doing to make it more profitable and more helpful to others? It doesn’t take a lot of money, just a desire to do it. You can just begin to read more and begin to read to your children. A child that gets a passion for reading will never be uneducated.

Too often we are the biggest contributors to our failures by those daily decisions we make often times without even thinking, the words we speak, and the people we allow in our circles. If you are unemployed and you are waking up at noon, the day is already over. If the first thing you do in the morning is get high or drink, you’re going to have a long day. Am I seeking the best for myself and my community or am I bringing more chaos and confusion? The choices we make more than the circumstances we live in control our destinies and once we understand that simple fact, life becomes simple. Want a better life start making better choices.

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